Hello, thank you for coming to my website. I work hard, doggedly, and passionately at everything I do. I am very introspective and perceptive. I’m an Ideator. A dreamer? Sure, yes! That’s what I’m doing most of the time – creating and dreaming up stuff, chasing my dreams. And, helping others do the same. 

What dreams? Let’s get the regular stuff out of the way. I dream of a life full of security, love, and happiness, building my own custom home, traveling the world, championing the voices of those with diverse perspectives, and creating a lasting impact on the world.

I also spend a lot of time mulling on the entertainment industry and product design particularly as it applies to user experience and storytelling. I hope to contribute to the product strategy, development, and launch of new experiences that enable customers to discover and enjoy media. These are among my most passionate of interests. I dream to be recognized for my innovative approaches and tangible contributions to platforms, products, and services like Jony Ive and Walt Disney. Someday, maybe I will develop and articulate a vision for what’s to come in user experience and entertainment and be included aside pioneers like Alan Kay and Don Norman.

Those are my dreams. To get there, I need a platform to start with. A progressive environment that will give me opportunities to explore the boundaries, the paths not taken, and ever-tougher challenges that transform my understanding and experience. Do you have one?



Ali Abdaal

Productivity & Self-Improvement

Peter McKinnon




James Matthews


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