Broadening your perspective and mindset through the constant pursuit of knowledge is the key to personal and professional development. After delving into the concept of lateral thinking, I decided to expand my knowledge and skill base by taking various courses on LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, and Udemy.

From learning technical skills like how to code a website to soft skills such as show to navigate an environment of work styles of different personalities, I hope to bring unique value to my work and those around me through knowledge-based perspective and diverse mindsets that I achieve through my pursuit of continuous learning.
Here is a list of courses I have completed, am currently taking, and planning to take in the future:
CAPM Exam Prep Seminar – PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition | Joseph Phillips | Udemy
Build Your Life Resume – Jesse Itzler
The Science of Well-Being | Laurie Santos | Coursera
- What is Data Science?
- Tools for Data Science
- Data Science Methodology
- Python for Data Science, Al & Development
- Python Project for Data Science
- Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python
- Data Analysis with Python
- Data Visualization with Python
- Machine Learning with Python
- Applied Data Science Capstone
Ethical Leadership Certification by NASBA Center for Public Trust
User Experience Design Essentials – Adobe XD UI UX Design | Daniel Scott | Udemy
- Intro to UX Design
- UX Immersion
- Front-End Development
Learning JIRA software | Robert Anthony | LinkedIn Learning
Speaking Up At Work | Jessica Chen | LinkedIn Learning
Finding Your Idea Hook | Stefan Mumaw | LinkedIn Learning
- Product Management First Steps | Doug Winne
- Becoming a Product Manager | Cole Mercer and Evan Kimbrell
- Product Management: Product Strategy | Eldad Persky and Teg Grenager
- Product Management: Product Roadmap | Eldad Persky and Teg Grenager
- Product Management: Customer Development | Jay Clouse
- Product Innovation for Product Managers | Karen Holst
- Product Management: Launching Your Product | Karen Holst
- Technology for Product Managers | Cole Mercer
The Complete Front-End Web Development Course! | Joseph Delgadillo | Udemy
Up Next
- Learn how to start/run a business
- Adobe Creative: Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop and Illustrator