Hello, thank you for coming to my website. I work hard, doggedly, and passionately at everything I do. I am very introspective and perceptive. I’m an Ideator. A dreamer? Sure, yes! That’s what I’m doing most of the time – creating and dreaming up stuff, chasing my dreams, and helping others do the same.
What dreams? Let’s get the regular stuff out of the way. I dream of a life full of security, love, and happiness, building my own custom home, traveling the world, championing the voices of those with diverse perspectives, and creating a lasting impact on the world.
I also spend a lot of time mulling over the entertainment industry, product design, and the intersection of user experience and storytelling. I’m passionate about developing, managing, and strategizing products, content, and talent to create meaningful impact. I aim to contribute to product strategy, development, and the launch of new experiences that enable customers to discover and enjoy media.
These are among my most passionate interests. I dream of being recognized for my innovative approaches and tangible contributions to platforms, products, and services like Jony Ive and Walt Disney. Someday, I hope to develop and articulate a vision for the future of user experience and entertainment, alongside pioneers like Alan Kay and Don Norman.
Those are my dreams. To get there, I need a platform to start with—a progressive environment that will give me opportunities to explore boundaries, paths not taken, and ever-tougher challenges that transform my understanding and experience. Do you have one?


Charle and Allie

Ali Abdaal
Productivity & Self-Improvement

Peter McKinnon


James Matthews